
AppFactor is an intelligent, AI powered app-centric transformation platform to empower app modernization, technical debt analysis and app-centric software delivery.

platform-overview platform-overview


Ongoing reduction of maintenance efforts & technical debt
  • Application dependency visualisation
  • Vulnerability detection at code, infrastructure and dependency levels
  • End of life detection with upgrade candidates for dependencies
  • Observe and gain on-going code optimisation and debt remediation insights to improve the posture of the entire application estate
Cloud Readiness Scoring
Cloud-native barriers and Insights
Effort estimates & remediation advice
Application dependency vulnerability insights

Modernize your apps and

the way you deliver them

Intelligently and automatically build, containerise and migrate applications and their dependencies, allowing you to remediate and rearchitect into new patterns and build in the cloud.

Single Process App
Complex Multi Host App
Monolith To Micro Services
12 Factor Principal
Transform to Kubernetes
Containers, Kubernetes, Serverless

Continuously deploy and maintain applications with an app-centric approach


Traditional way

App Deployment is Hard

The factor file way

An App-centric Approach

Developers spend time on infrastructure details instead of apps - ingress, labels, DNS, etc, and learning how the infrastructure is implemented.

Application first - define the app with a self-contained model, where operational behaviours as part of app definition, free of infrastructure concern.

Inextensible - upper layer platform may be introduced, but it's almost certain that the needs of your app will outgrow the capabilities of that platform soon.

Clarity and extensibility - an open standard to modularize platform capabilities into reusable pieces, assemble them into an app deployment per your own needs, fully self-service.

Runtime lock-in - app description is tightly coupled with the runtime infrastructure, which heavily impact on how you configure, develop and operate the app across hybrid environments.

Runtime agnostic - a consistent experience to deploy and operate your apps across on-prem clusters, cloud providers or even edge devices.

The Factor File way

An App-centric Approach

Application first - define the app with a self-contained model, where operational behaviors as part of app definition, free of infrastructure here.
Clarity and extensibility - an open standard to modularize platform capabilities into reusable pieces, assemble them into an app deployment per your own needs, fully self-service.
Runtime agnostic - a consistent experience to deploy and operate your apps across on-prem clusters, cloud providers or even edge devices.

Deliver & Manage Modern Apps

With AppFactor, you describe your application and its dependencies and this description intelligently dictates the required infrastructure, configuration and architecture. Apps are orchestrated and deployed automatically with required configuration and cloud infrastructure.

For legacy apps, the description is generated automatically by the application artefacts. Deployed continuously to any cloud native target and maintain in a continuous modernization pipeline.


Reduce modernization

and deployment toil

Improve time

to market

Prevent architectural

tech debt drift




Ensure standardized, securely configured environments. Avoid drift, manage progression, pause and create.




Standardize the way your developers deploy code, while enforcing clear RBAC across all your workflows. Use the Platform on its own or in tandem with your GitOps setup.




Stop working through repetitive steps to create or maintain infrastructure.It allows you to build powerful software or transform and re-design it and deliver anywhere with zero scripts or drift (architectural debt)- all by the app definition, not the infrastructure!


Dynamic Configuration


Dynamically generate app and infrastructure configurations with every single deployment. Drive standardization and self-service across the entire modernization pipeline.



Give your developers the power to move fast without breaking things. Let them create environments, add resources to workloads or roll back, all using secure and compliant templates.



Rapidly identify what needs to be refactored and extract, build and deploy apps using contemporary technologies.